Introduction #
Feature Voting is a powerful tool that lets you to determine demand of a feature, idea, goal, etc. by letting your community to vote on it, and/or offer additional feedback. Through a series of data-collecting features and analytics, you’ll know exactly what to work on next! Want to dive right into setting up your product’s feature voting panel? Visit this article: Feature Voting: How Does it Work?.
What are the Benefits of Feature Voting? #
Say you, or a community/team member, has an idea for a new feature…However, you’re not quite sure if you want to spend the time and money to develop it. So, you add the feature to the Feature Voting panel in order to put it to a vote amongst your overall user base. This means that customers/clients/followers, those who are most familiar with your product, can upvote the idea to show that they indeed want to see it implemented. In addition to the upvoting, they can offer further suggestions, all of which you can highlight for reference, and otherwise inform exactly what they want to see when/if you choose to develop the feature. These features come together to inform you on exactly what to work on next based on actual, data-driven demand from your target audience. Eliminate guesswork, save time and cash, and watch your product grow in an informed manner!
PathPro’s Core Feature Voting Features #
PathPro’s Feature Voting is a powerful data collection tool, and here is a brief overview of the core features included n every PathPro plan:
- Customers can upvote any feature you’ve proposed (duh!).
- Customers can add their suggestions directly to any proposed feature.
- Can upvote other customers suggestions.
- PathPro’s algorithm analyzes a combination of data —based on suggestions made, upvotes, and other factors adding to the overall popularity of a feature—to capture the demand of any given feature from a data-driven approach.
- Most popular, in-demand features “rise to the top” in a fun-yet-informative ranking system. This means you’ll always know which feature is the most in-demand.
- You and your team can highlight suggestions made by your community for later reference, further aiding you in developing the feature exactly as your customers would like.
- If a feature has grown in popularity and you’re ready to pull the trigger, you can move it DIRECTLY into your product roadmap (which we call a Product Path). All of the customer data that was gathered during the Feature Voting phase will carry over, keeping the feature’s “path” fully in tact. This means that you’ll have documentation of every suggestion made, instant access to highlighted/tagged suggestions, and more.
Can I see an Example of Feature Voting in Action? #
But of course! In fact, we actually use PathPro to grow PathPro based on community feedback. Check out PathPro’s official Feature Voting panel to see what we’ve proposed to customers for potential features.
Ready to get started with PathPro’s Feature Voting tool? #
Feature Voting is the first step in what we lovingly refer to as PathPro’s Golden Pipeline. This pipeline is designed to capture customer feedback, validate ideas, keep customers informed, and ultimately to release new features in an organized, community-focused manner. It is included in every one of our plans, including the free version (as in, like, seriously free, no strings attached). If you haven’t yet grabbed a PathPro account, check out our plans and pricing here.
Already on the path? Get started by setting up your Feature Voting Panel here.