How to Add Free Public Roadmaps to Your Site

Jun 26, 2024 | Articles


Ever wondered how some companies keep everyone on the same page about their product development journey? That’s where public roadmaps come into play. A public roadmap is a visual representation of your product’s future direction, openly shared with stakeholders and users. It showcases upcoming features, improvements, and milestones, keeping everyone informed and engaged.

Benefits of adding public roadmaps to your website include:

  • Transparency: Builds trust by showing users what’s coming next.
  • Alignment: Keeps stakeholders in sync with the product vision.
  • Feedback Loop: Enables users to anticipate and provide feedback on upcoming features.

If you’re looking for a robust tool to create and manage public roadmaps, I highly recommend checking out PathPro. It’s an all-in-one solution for customer feedback, roadmap creation, and project management. PathPro provides numerous benefits such as being a cheaper alternative to Canny, offering a wide range of features at reduced costs. Additionally, PathPro fosters a culture of effective idea management, which is crucial for a product’s growth. To stay up-to-date with the latest trends and insights in product development, you can also join the PathPro community for the most recent Product Developer and Product Management News. Finally, if you want to explore more about how PathPro works, you can dive into their comprehensive article on The PathPro Pipeline or learn about their customizable features like custom header settings.

Defining a Public Product Roadmap

A public product roadmap is essentially a high-level visual summary that maps out the vision and direction of your product over time. Unlike private roadmaps, which are often used internally, public roadmaps are shared openly with stakeholders and users. These roadmaps serve as a guiding star for your product’s development journey, ensuring everyone involved understands the strategic goals and upcoming milestones.

Public product roadmaps act as invaluable tools for communication with stakeholders. They provide transparency about what features or updates are in the pipeline, helping to align everyone’s expectations and keeping all parties informed.

Importance of Visual Representation in Roadmaps

Let’s face it: We’re all visual creatures! A well-crafted visual roadmap can communicate complex plans much more effectively than text-heavy documents. Visuals make it easier to grasp the big picture quickly, highlight key milestones, and identify priorities.

Key benefits of using visual roadmaps include:

  • Clarity: Clearly outline what’s coming next.
  • Engagement: Visually appealing roadmaps attract more attention.
  • Alignment: Ensure everyone is on the same page without lengthy explanations.

For those looking to dive deeper into project management tools that complement public roadmaps, Essential Tools Every Project Manager Should Utilize for Success can be instrumental.

Creating a public roadmap doesn’t just end with visualization; it’s also about gathering feedback to refine and improve your product. PathPro makes this process seamless by integrating customer feedback directly into your roadmap. For more on this, take a peek at Collect Product Feedback on PathPro’s site.

Public product roadmaps aren’t just about showing what’s next—they’re also a dynamic tool for engaging with your community. Whether through feature voting or direct feedback channels, they enable users to have a say in the development process. Top 10 Benefits of Feature Voting offers insights into how feature voting can benefit your roadmap strategy.

In summary, public product roadmaps are essential for clear communication with stakeholders and effective product management. They offer transparency, align expectations, and foster an engaging dialogue with your user base.

Key Advantages of Incorporating Public Roadmaps on Your Website

Keeping Customers Informed and Your Team Aligned

One of the key benefits of adding public roadmaps to your website is that it keeps everyone in the loop. Stakeholders, whether they are internal team members or external investors, can easily stay updated on the project’s progress. This open line of communication ensures alignment with the product vision and helps prevent miscommunications.

Pro Tip: Regularly update your public roadmap to reflect any changes or new milestones. This practice helps maintain customer confidence and interest.

Building Transparency and Trust Through Open Communication Channels

Transparent product development is critical for building trust with your users. By sharing your product roadmap publicly, you demonstrate a commitment to openness. It shows that you’re not just making promises but actively working towards tangible goals.

  • Trust-building: Users appreciate knowing what’s coming next and feel more secure when they see a clear plan.
  • Enhanced collaboration: An open channel invites constructive feedback, leading to better product iterations.

This aligns perfectly with the principles discussed in our recent article, The Art of Listening: How Product Feedback Transforms Development so be sure to check that out for further reading! In summary, understanding how product feedback drives development is crucial for success in today’s competitive landscape, and is a key method in ensuring that your product’s community is as loyal as can be.

Let Customers Anticipate and Provide Feedback on Upcoming Features

Look, customer actually love being part of the journey, especially when it comes to software-based products that are constantly evolving. A public roadmap allows them to anticipate new features and provide valuable feedback before these features go live. This engagement transforms users into active participants in the product development process.

  • Feature Submissions: Collecting features ideas and customer feedback is the first step in properly capturing your community’s collective knowledge.
  • Feature voting: Tools like PathPro enable feature voting, allowing users to confirm what they want next and your team to prioritize their resources.
  • Public Roadmaps: Keep customers informed so they know what’s in the works and when it’ll be released.
  • Release Notes: Announce new releases and updates to keep your customers informed, and give credit to everyone who contributed to your products growth.

This is the core of the “Feedback Loop”: Continuous feedback helps tailor the product to meet user needs more effectively, but only if you’re able to properly capture it and work these ideas into your development pipeline. This means collecting, confirming, and informing. In this article, we’ll focus on the informing part, as we will guide you on the easiest way to add public roadmaps to your product’s website.

For those interested in deep-diving into other areas of the feedback loop, such as feature voting, our article, Harnessing the Power of Feature Voting in Software Development offers compelling insights on its importance. You may also want to check out our own outline of the feedback loop, which we refer to as the Golden Pipeline.

Building Brand Loyalty Through a Customer-Centric Approach

A customer-centric approach is essential for building brand loyalty, as well as confirming that you’re working on exactly what your customers want to see next. By involving users in the product development process through public roadmaps, you create a transparent, engaging environment that fosters long-term relationships.

  • Brand loyalty: Listening to customers builds brand loyalty like a pro! Discover how to build brand loyalty as a product developer by leveraging user engagement and feedback.
  • User-driven development: The power of feature voting, public roadmaps, and proactive listening of customer feedback showcased above are crucial elements in achieving user-driven development.

Implementing these strategies not only helps you create a transparent, engaging development process, but also guides the pathos your product from a data-driven standpoint. Listen, confirm and analyze, and take action on customer feedback to not only improve your product, but to eliminate the guesswork and save on time and development fees. That’s a lot of wins right there.

Real-World Examples: Companies That Nailed It with Public Roadmaps


Front, a customer communication platform, has effectively utilized public roadmaps to keep their community engaged. By sharing their product roadmap publicly, they’ve allowed users to see what’s coming next and provide feedback on upcoming features. This open approach has helped them build transparency and trust within their user base.


Slack, the popular messaging app for teams, is another great example of leveraging public roadmaps. They use their public roadmap to inform users about new features, improvements, and bug fixes in progress. This transparency has not only kept users excited about future updates but also invited them to contribute ideas and suggestions.


GitHub, the go-to platform for version control and collaboration, showcases a well-organized public roadmap to keep developers informed about what’s in the pipeline. By doing so, they ensure that their large community of developers remains aligned with the product vision. This proactive approach helps them gather valuable feedback and prioritize features based on user demand.


Buffer, a social media management tool, uses public roadmaps to maintain an open dialogue with their users. Their roadmap is not just a list of upcoming features but also includes detailed progress updates and timelines. This level of transparency has fostered a strong sense of community and trust among Buffer’s users.

Public roadmaps can be powerful tools for engaging your audience and gathering feedback. Companies like Front, Slack, GitHub, and Buffer have successfully demonstrated how transparent communication can lead to more engaged communities.

Public Roadmap Tools to Streamline Your Process

Choosing the right tool can make all the difference when it comes to creating and managing public roadmaps. Several tools in the market excel in simplifying this process:

Top Public Roadmap Tools

  • Rapidr: Great for collecting, managing, and prioritizing customer feedback.
  • PathPro: Yes, we’re biased, but we’re proud of PathPro and feel it easily rivals others found on this list when it comes to collecting feedback and growing your product. It’s also one of the few that offer fully-featured public roadmaps in our free plan!
  • One of the first customer collection tools around, Canny focuses primarily on the customer feedback aspect of the feedback loop.
  • Trello: Highly visual and user-friendly, Trello focuses on project management and internal task lists.
  • Airtable: Combines the simplicity of a spreadsheet with the power of a database. Ideal for those who need a versatile tool that can handle various types of data.
  • Notion: An all-in-one workspace that supports notes, databases, tasks, and calendars.
  • ProductBoard: A Pioneer in the Roadmap and task management field, ProductBoard is a go-to solution for managing roadmaps.

Introducing PathPro: Your Comprehensive Solution

While these tools are fantastic, PathPro offers a unique blend of features specifically designed for customer feedback management and roadmap creation.

Key Features of PathPro

  • Feature Voting & Customer Driven Product Management: Users can submit ideas and vote on features, making it easier to prioritize what truly matters to your audience. Furthermore, you can add these suggestions directly to your public feature voting panel to get confirmation from other customers that the idea is indeed in-demand.
  • Public Roadmaps: Create transparent product roadmaps that show users what’s coming next. (More on Public Roadmaps)
  • Interactive Release Notes: Keep your community informed with detailed release notes that highlight new features and updates while keeping the conversation going about any given feature and/or update.
  • Privacy Policy Built on Transparency: PathPro is committed to transparent product development, as reflected in their own public roadmap.

By leveraging these powerful features, such as Feature Voting & Customer Driven Product Management and Public Roadmaps, you can streamline your product development process while keeping your customers engaged and your team on point.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Adding Public Roadmaps Using PathPro

Adding public roadmaps using PathPro is simple. Just follow these steps:

Step 1: Sign up for a PathPro Account

To get started, go to the PathPro website and sign up for any account. It’s quick and easy! PathPro offers different plans, including a free option, so you can try it out without paying anything upfront. Did we mention that PathPro is one of the only products that gives you 100% FREE Public Roadmaps? That means the fully functioning Roadmaps feature is included, forever, in our free plan.

Step 2: Create a Product Roadmap in PathPro

Once you’ve created a PathPro account and logged in, we highlight recommend that you go through the onboarding process. This will walk you through the process of creating your first project, and even walks you through the steps in creating your first Roadmap. Alternatively, after you’ve created at least on Project, you can click the “Product Path” tab at the top of the page (note, you can change the title of this tab in the “Design and Settings” section of your admin). Back to the “Product Path” tab… This is where you can:

  • Add important milestones and tasks
  • Set deadlines and expected delivery dates of all features/tasks
  • Create “Path Groups” to keep tasks organized based on their topic, release schedule, sprint, etc.
  • Assign tasks to your team members
  • Design and customize your overall path groups

If you need more detailed instructions, you can refer to the PathPro Knowledge Base, which provides comprehensive guides on various features.

Step 3: Publish Your Roadmap On Your Site

After prepping your roadmap, it’s time to make it public! This means your customers will be able to engage with each upcoming feature, adding additional suggestions, asking questions to your team, and so on. To publish your roadmap, head over to the settings of your newly created roadmap and turn on the “Public” option. This will allow anyone with the link to view your roadmap and stay updated on the progress of your product.

Why make it public? Transparency builds trust with your users and keeps everyone informed about upcoming features. Don’t worry, with PathPro you can also have private roadmaps that are only accessible by you and your team.

Step 4: Embed the Roadmap on Your Website for Maximum Visibility

The final step is to embed your public roadmap onto your website. PathPro provides an embed code that you can easily add into your site’s HTML. Copy the code from the list view of your Projects and paste it where you want it to appear.

Quick tip for embedding content: Place the code within a section of your website where it’s most likely to be seen by users interested in product updates.

By following these steps, you’ll not only increase transparency but also encourage more interaction with your community. Ready to get started? Create your public roadmap today!

Further Reading

Looking for more tips on efficient project management? Check out our article on Top Project Management Tools for Efficient Workflows in 2024, where you can find recommendations to streamline your project management processes. And if you’re curious about building a thriving user community, read up on What are Community Members? to understand how your customers can engage with your product in a whole new light.


Adding public roadmaps to your website isn’t just about showcasing upcoming features; it’s about building a bridge of trust and open communication with your stakeholders and users. This transparency fosters engagement, aligns expectations, and creates an interactive dialogue that benefits everyone involved.

PathPro stands out as a fantastic tool to achieve this. With its user-friendly interface and comprehensive features, it simplifies the entire process:

  • Easy Sign-Up: Start your journey by creating an account on PathPro.
  • No Bloat or Confusing Features: PathPro is voted the most user-friendly tool available by our customers when compared to similar products. Built for the pro, but easy enough to use for anyone!
  • 100% FREE Roadmaps: Develop detailed product roadmaps that reflect your vision at zero cost, and we mean the fully functioning feature set even on our free plan, no compromises!
  • A Truly Intuitive Setup Process: Make these roadmaps publicly accessible to keep everyone in the loop.
  • Website Integration: Embed these roadmaps directly on your site for maximum visibility, or create a custom header directly in your PathPro admin to seamlessly mesh with your brand.

Adding a public roadmap to your site can transform how you interact with your audience. It’s about embracing openness, encouraging feedback, and working collaboratively towards shared goals, so there’s little wonder as to why the best product, SaaS, and software developers are embracing the concept of transparent development. Give PathPro’s free plan a shot and see the difference it makes.

Ready to add Public Roadmaps to your site 100% Free? Start today with PathPro!

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